Fenwick has one of the most successful law firm websites in the country with millions of hits annually. Initially created in 2012, I applied new typography and layout to the existing Sharepoint framework in 2016 to make it more closely match the new brand. I chose Open Sans as the base font and used font size to create the typographical hierarchy.
Requirements kept the site within the existing 960px wide page and follow basic page layout architecture established in the initial iteration of the site. The pages took on a lighter more modern look that worked well with the rest of our marketing materials.
Below are sample pages from the spec book. Click here to view a PDF of the complete spec book.

Here are some sample pages from the site. I built pages in Photoshop and used InvisionApp to create working mockups. You can view the live site here.

Home Page

Professionals Landing Page

Practice Group Page
Startup Resource Center
This project had a few false starts. We conceptualized it several ways but none took hold. After I met with the attorneys and discuss their needs for the project, went back to my desk and created a successful design that addressed their requirements. Executed in Adobe XD, we had the site up in 6 weeks saving the firm about $100,000. Below are some sample pages, click here for the live site.

SRC Home

I also worked on brand strategies to incorporate the new logotype on the website's existing framework. Below are some possibilities.